Project Update: Street Lighting Upgrade – Princes Highway Access to Batemans Bay
- March 23, 2021
TOBCO is proud to be involved with TfNSW and John Holland to upgrade the Batemans Bay Bridge and improve access to one of the most beautiful holiday hotspots in NSW.
TfNSW and John Holland are constructing a new 420 meter bridge on the A1 Princes Highway over the Clyde River. The bridge is located within the Eurobodalla Shire Council and provides a main route to and from the NSW south coast.
TOBCO’s involvement comprises the street lighting upgrade along:
The scope of work includes a total of 100 street lights which will be maintained under three different authorities; TfNSW, Essential Energy and Eurobodalla Council.
Currently TOBCO has constructed and installed the majority of the street lights along the Princess Highway and Kings Highway which includes all the street lights on the newly constructed Batemans Bay Bridge. We are proud to say that we’ve delivered this entirely by TOBCOs own people and plant. These completed works make it possible for our Client to transfer traffic onto the newly constructed bridge in the upcoming week.
TOBCO is looking forward to delivering the remainder of the works along the North and South Foreshores in the next couple of weeks.